Our 90-Day Satisfaction Guarantee

At Empathy Heals, we are deeply committed to your journey of healing and transformation. We understand that embarking on this path requires courage, trust, and an open heart. To support you fully on this journey, we offer a 90-day satisfaction guarantee on your program results.

How Our Guarantee Works

We are confident in the transformative power of our program and its ability to foster profound healing and personal growth. However, we also understand the importance of feeling assured in your investment towards your wellbeing. Our guarantee is designed to give you peace of mind, allowing you to immerse fully in the healing process with confidence and comfort.

Eligibility Criteria

To qualify for our 90-day satisfaction guarantee, we kindly ask you to:

  1. Complete the Program: Engage with and complete the entire meditation program from start to finish, including all sessions without skipping any part of the curriculum.

  2. Homework Submission: Complete all assigned homework, including the mirror affirmations and reflection exercises outlined in the downloadable PDFs. These tasks are designed to deepen your healing journey and maximize the program's benefits.

  3. Submit Your Work: If, after fully participating and applying the program's teachings, you find that you have not experienced the transformative results you were seeking, please submit your completed homework to us. This allows us to understand your journey through the program and ensures that you have given the process a thorough engagement.

Requesting a Refund

If you meet the above criteria and feel that you have not seen the results you anticipated, you may request a refund within 90 days of your program purchase. Please contact our support team with your refund request and include your completed homework as part of your submission. Our team will review your request and guide you through the refund process.

Our Commitment to You

This guarantee underscores our unwavering belief in the power of our program and our dedication to your healing journey. It is our hope that this commitment provides an extra layer of confidence as you step forward on this transformative path.

We are here to support you every step of the way, and we look forward to witnessing the incredible growth and healing that awaits you.

Embark on your journey with us, knowing that we are committed to your satisfaction and transformation.
